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Custom iPS Cell Generation
iPSC generation is a complex process that reprograms adult somatic cells into a pluripotent, embryonic stem cell-like stage. iPSCs are typically reprogrammed by introducing products of specific sets of pluripotency-associated genes, or “reprogramming factors”, called Yamanaka factors, into a given cell type. It requires extensive technical expertise to generate cells that are robust, karyotype-normal, and pluripotent. With >13 years of expertise in stem cell technologies and as a leading provider of iPSC services, we can generate iPSCs safely and efficiently in
2-3 months
Experienced working with
Healthy/disease samples
Reprogramming from a variety of starting tissues:
blood samples, PBMCs, fibroblasts, cord blood, HSC, MSC, adipose tissue, urine, and more
- Footprint-free reprogramming with feeder-free culture conditions or virus-based
- Highly optimized, high-efficiency protocols ideal for iPSC banking/iPSC repositories (approx 95% success rate)
iPSC Characterization
for morphology and pluripotency markers
Fast Turnaround: 2-3 months
Add-On Services:
G-banding, RT-PCR, STR profiling, and directed differentiation
Expanded characterization services are available for more advanced profiling of your iPSC lines. ASC can even genetically engineer your iPSCs using
and differentiate the iPSCs to the somatic lineage of your choice, including
NK cells
T cells
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