iPSC Generation Services

iPSC Generation On-Demand

From Human or Non-Human Samples

Feeder-free, Footprint-free Protocols

Research to Clinical Grade

Our iPSC reprogramming service offers a method of generating patient-specific stem cells of any lineage without using embryonic materials. We utilize various strategies to improve reprogramming technologies, including chemical and transgene reprogramming. Our protocols have been streamlined for efficient iPSC generation using viral vectors, DNA (plasmid) and mRNAs. We offer comprehensive reports suitable for publications with each of our services.

We offer reprogramming using various vectors, including retrovirus, lentivirus, episomal plasmid, and direct delivery of synthetic mRNAs. When deciding on a reprogramming method, we consider the cell being reprogrammed and the ability of the reprogramming method to adequately reprogram this cell type. We also assess whether the presence of integrated sequences in the iPSCs will hinder downstream application.

Let the iPSC experts generate high-quality iPSCs and derived physiologically relevant cell line models from your healthy/disease samples. With our optimized reprogramming protocols and comprehensive characterization services, we deliver iPSCs ideal for your basic research, drug discovery, drug screening, and preclinical cell regeneration projects:

  • Highly optimized protocols with high reprogramming efficiency (>95% success rate)
  • From healthy/diseased human or non-human samples
  • iPSC generation from various donor cell types
    • human: PBMCs, fibroblast, HSC, MSCs, CD34+ cord blood, urine, and more
    • non-human: PBMC and fibroblast
  • Integration-free (episomal/mRNA/viral-based) or retroviral reprogramming
  • Feeder-free protocols; optional feeder-dependent protocols available
  • iPSCs characterized for morphology and pluripotency markers. Additional characterization such as G-banding, RT-PCR, STR profiling, and directed differentiation is also available.
  • Fast Turnaround: 2-3 months
  • GMP iPSC Generation Available

Not only can ASC further characterize your iPSCs, but our experts can also genetically engineer your iPSCs using CRISPR/Cas9 or TARGATT and differentiate the iPSCs to the cell type of your choice, including NK cells, T cells, astrocytes, cardiomyocytes, and more.


iPSC Generation

Custom iPS Cell Generation

iPSC generation is a complex process that reprograms adult somatic cells into a pluripotent, embryonic stem cell-like stage. iPSCs are typically reprogrammed by introducing products of specific sets of pluripotency-associated genes, or “reprogramming factors”, called Yamanaka factors, into a given cell type. It requires extensive technical expertise to generate cells that are robust, karyotype-normal, and pluripotent. With >15 years of expertise in stem cell technologies and as a leading provider of iPSC services, we can generate iPSCs safely and efficiently in 2-3 months.

    • Jang, Y., Choi, J., Park, N., Kang, J., Kim, M., Kim, Y., & Ju, J. H. (2019). Development of immunocompatible pluripotent stem cells via CRISPR-based human leukocyte antigen engineering. Experimental & Molecular Medicine, 51(1), 3.
    • Ilic, D. (2019). Latest developments in the field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine compiled from publicly available information and press releases from nonacademic institutions in October 2018. Regenerative medicine, 14(2), 85-92.
    • Allende, M. L., Cook, E. K., Larman, B. C., Nugent, A., Brady, J. M., Golebiowski, D., ... & Proia, R. L. (2018). Cerebral organoids derived from Sandhoff disease induced pluripotent stem cells exhibit impaired neurodifferentiation. Journal of Lipid Research, jlr-M081323.
    • Field, A. R., Jacobs, F. M., Fiddes, I. T., Phillips, A. P., Reyes-Ortiz, A. M., LaMontagne, E., ... & Hauessler, M. (2019). Structurally Conserved Primate LncRNAs Are Transiently Expressed during Human Cortical Differentiation and Influence Cell-Type-Specific Genes. Stem cell reports.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We ask that you send in pathogen test results before you send the blood samples to us.

    If you do not have pathogen test results, you can send the blood samples to us directly, and we will do the sample process and culture in a quarantine room for 1-2 weeks before we submit and get pathogen test results. A quarantine room fee is applied. Inquire for more details.

  • For iPSC generation from patient fibroblasts, customers will need to provide 1 x 10^6 cells.

  • For iPSC generation from PBMCs, we will need 2 vials of 2-3 x 10^6 cells.

  • Yes, we can receive skin biopsy. The skin biopsy can be stored immediately after the collection and shipped overnight in PBS or complete medium (DMEM/10% FBS) at 4°C.

  • Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are pluripotent cells that have been reprogrammed from adult somatic cells to an embryonic stem cell-like state. iPSCs can be genetically modified and further differentiated to committed somatic lineages.

  • Yamanaka factors are four transcriptions (Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc) that can induce pluripotency. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be generated from adult somatic cells by the introduction of the Yamanaka factors.

  • ASC offers footprint-free reprogramming with feeder-free culture conditions.

  • ASC’s custom iPSC generation service includes pathogen testing.

  • iPSCs characterized for morphology and pluripotency markers. Additional characterization such as G-banding, RT-PCR, STR profiling, directed differentiation is also available.

  • Turnaround time: 2-3 months

  • Yes, we use feeder-free protocols. Optional feeder-dependent protocols are available.

  • iPSCs characterized for morphology and pluripotency markers (OCT4, SOX2, SSEA4, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81). Additional characterization such as G-banding, RT-PCR, STR profiling, directed differentiation is also available.