Antibody Discovery: TARGATT™ HEK293 and CHO Cell-Based Libraries and Monoclonal Antibody Development

Antibody Development & Cell-Based Libraries

Rabbit & Alpaca High-Affinity Antibodies

TARGATT™ HEK293 Cells for Single Copy Knock-in &
Mammalian Cell Libraries

Explore ASC’s series of antibody services and discover how we can help you propel your research forward. Whether you are looking to generate monoclonal antibodies or construct a cell-based library for screening, we have several well-established protocols and fully customizable service options for you to select from. Our single B cell antibody discovery platform is great for those seeking high-affinity rabbit monoclonal antibodies while our TARGATT™ HEK293 and CHO cell lines are ideal tools for researchers aiming to establish stable knock-in cell lines or large cell libraries. Visit our service pages or contact us today to learn more.

Advantages of the TARGATT™ Master Cell Lines

High knock-in efficiency
Site-specific integration into the H11 genomic hotspot well-defined safe harbor locus
Single gene knockin: one variant - one locus - one cell line
Unidirectional integration for stable knock-in cell lines
HEK293 and CHO cells for library construction
Unique animal strains/lines (rabbit & alpaca)
Accelerated and Classical immunization
Amplification of Single B Cell mRNA Efficient Mammalian Cell Antibody Expression

GMP iPSCs & Knock-In Ready GMP TARGATT™ iPSCs

Service Options

TARGATT Cell-Based Library Construction

Cell-based Library Construction

TARGATT™ HEK293 and CHO Cells for library construction.

Cell-Based Library Construction

Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies

Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies

Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies with Subnanomolar Affinity

Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies

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TARGATT™ Rabbit for Biopharming and High-Yield Recombinant Protein and Antibody Production

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