Cell-Based Assays

Cell based assays have become an integral part of preclinical studies to elucidate biological mechanisms, and for screening drugs for efficacy, toxicity or combination analysis for drug synergy or antagonism. The use of live cells in these assays provide a fast and biologically relevant source of information. Applied StemCell offers a fully comprehensive panel of Cell-Based Assays from cell line expansion, cell line model generation, validation, to assays that evaluate cell line function and behavior. We have extensive experience in culturing and handling a wide variety of cell lines including cancer cell lines, immortalized cell lines, stem cells and differentiated cell lines. We will work with you at every stage of your project to fit it to the exact needs of your research.

GMP iPSCs & Knock-In Ready GMP TARGATT™ iPSCs

  • Introduction to
    Project Manager

    - Primary point of contact during the course of the project
    - Coordinates across scientific groups, and provides updates and official reports on project progress.

    Project Kick-off

    - Preliminary meeting with PM and scientists
    - Ensure that objectives and expectations are aligned

    Bi-weekly to Monthly
    Conference Calls

    - Regular meetings with PM and scientists
    - Opportunity to communicate new data, troubleshoot challenges, and if necessary, adjust project specifications

    Milestone and
    Final Reports

    - Finalize data transfer for intermediate milestones and overall project
    - Work with client to transfer final deliverables

    Some cell-based assays provided by ASC for screening drugs for efficacy or toxicity:
    (if you do not see a particular assay in our list, please inquire)

    • Colony formation or 2D proliferation assay
    • Cellular morphology
    • Cell viability
    • Cytotoxicity
    • Cell motility
    • Cell biomarker analysis and Cell Imaging (FACS, qRT-PCR, RNA-seq, ELISA)
    • Electrophysiology