NSC Differentiation (Neural Stem Cell) | Applied StemCell


The process of iPSC differentiation to neurons and neuronal cells is of special importance for neurobiology and related disorders, considering the dearth of clinically relevant

in vitro

models available for research, drug screening, and development, as well as the lack of therapy to reverse neuronal damage.


The true potential of iPSCs and ESCs rest in their directed differentiation to different somatic lineages. As part of our comprehensive stem cell service platform, researchers can leverage our expertise in stem cell technologies and our cost-effective, reliable iPS cell differentiation services for their developmental biology, disease mechanisms, and drug discovery research. Differentiate your patient-derived iPSCs into multipotent neural stem cells (NSCs).


    • High differentiation efficiency and cell purity



    • Cells are fully characterized for NSC biomarkers (i.e. SOX1 & Pax6) prior to delivery


    • NPC Biomarker Characterization:



    • Fast turnaround time

        • NPCs – 3 weeks




    • Inquire

      about iPSC differentiation to Neural Progenitor Cells




Also, avail our


iPSC generation

and downstream

cell-based assays

services to analyze your differentiated cells or for drug screening applications.